We are kicking off our End of Year Giving program to announce that Orenda Healing International is launching our new publishing company, Winds of Change Press, in 2019!
Ever since we began publishing the Four Winds Journal back in the Fall of 2016, we’ve dreamed of having our own publishing company. As a result, we decided to create an affordable, author-friendly publishing platform, with special attention to the needs of first-time and upcoming authors whose work reflects our mission.
If you care deeply about the health and well-being of your friends and family, your community, and our planet—if you want to be an agent for positive change, a Dream-maker—we can help you share your wisdom with the world.
Yet even the most inspired publishing company needs funds to get going, so we are asking for donations in any amount to help meet our goal of $3000 by the end of January 2019.
Donors will receive a year’s free subscription to our semiannual magazine, Four Winds Journal, honorable mention on our website and in the Spring 2019 issue of the Journal, and a year’s free listing in our Online Regional Resource Directory.
Click here to help us launch Winds of Change Press!
Contact Information:
Winds of Change Press
A subsidiary of Orenda Healing International
Publisher: Valentine McKay-Riddell, PhD
Editor in Chief: Katrina Rahn, MLIS
Telephone: 505-780-5990
Email: windsofchangepress@orenda-arts.org