Four Winds Journal Submission Guidelines

Four Winds Journal Submission Guidelines

Fiction, Nonfiction & Poetry: Due to limited space in the printed version of the Journal, we accept articles and short stories 3 pages long (single-spaced).  If a short story or article is longer, we may excerpt a portion for the Journal and post the complete article or story on our website, publish the piece as a serial, or simply refer readers with a link to the original author’s website.  Poets may send up to 2 poems for a single issue of the Journal, saved to a Word doc file and separated by page breaks.

 Artwork: We welcome photographs of original prints, sculpture, drawings, or paintings.  We prefer that all artwork be original; however, artwork that is not original may be submitted with the appropriate citations and references. All photos of artwork should be submitted in high-resolution jpg format (minimum 300 dpi).

Please include:  A separate Word doc with the title of the manuscript or artwork, author’s or artist’s name, qualifications, and contact information (postal and email address, landline or mobile phone number, and website), and a brief biography (60-100 words) with a recent photo of the author or artist.

Send Journal Submissions as email attachments to:

Editor – FWJ Fall 2024