Four Winds Journal Spring/Summer 2020: The Pandemic Papers
“May you be born in interesting times.”
Ancient Chinese curse

Yes indeed—these are interesting times. Also confusing, unnerving, frustrating, even terrifying times. Yet here we are, smack dab in the middle of them. How to deal with this? How to cope?
Every day I read people’s Facebook comments. Some folks are understandably confused and afraid. Others are soldiering through each day. And many are showing wisdom and courage that we’d never have guessed they possessed, had we not stumbled collectively into these “interesting times.”
Four Winds Journal invites you to share your spontaneous reactions and responses to the coronavirus and how it is changing your world. We’re accepting accounts in any form—blog posts, diary entries, short papers, poetry, photos of artwork, YouTube videos, music—whatever can be shared digitally. We welcome submissions from writers and artists of all ages. (You may recall we originally planned to publish a Spring/Summer 2020 issue on youth’s efforts to save our planet and we will, perhaps in the Fall. But this seems a bit more relevant right now.)
Submissions Deadline for FWJ Spring/Summer 2020 is April 30.
Please email your submission as a Word doc attachment, Mp4, Mp3, YouTube link, or jpg (300 dpi) to
Think about Anne Frank’s diary and how much it meant—not only to her during that terrible time, but also to those who survived the death camps, as well as those of us who came later and were inspired by her courage and determination. This creative project will not only provide welcome relief from our personal worries and fears, it will also be a record of a time that none of us alive today has previously experienced—a time that has radically and rapidly altered our entire social structure, our ways of being in the world.
Let us know if you have any questions. Meanwhile, stay safe and “think well to be well!” (Thank you, Adam Avin/Wuf Shanti!)