FWJ Summer 2024 – Creating Calm in Chaos is here now!


We started working on this issue in late summer, 2023.  A year has passed and the storm, the hurricane whose “eye” we’re seeking, grows ever more ferocious.   All the more important, then, as the pressure builds, to find that eye, that quiet space within, from which to observe and, if the need arises, to respond—but always with discernment.  We each do this in various ways.

FWJ Summer 2024 explores the concept of “hurricane” and suggests methods for creating calm in its midst through personal anecdotes, articles, and artwork.

Regardless of its source—be it a physical challenge, politics, war, climate change, or something else—there is a quiet place in the center of every storm.  Read the articles, contemplate the artwork, and decide for yourself.  More importantly, seek out your own “eye of the hurricane,” and share your thoughts with us in Letters to the Editor on our website.

We occasionally publish a supplement when we receive more material on a particular theme than we can fit into a Journal issue, but in this case Winds of Change Press is publishing a book—an anthology on the theme of creating calm in chaos.  We’ll be inviting submissions soon.

Meanwhile, please enjoy this issue online and if you like to turn pages, buy a copy in print!

Read FWJ Summer 2024 Online

FWJ in Print