The Bridge Project

In recognition of the importance of connection, and because we believe that building bridges across cultures is more healing than building walls, OHI supports the creators of this project.  If you would like to participate, please read the following announcement and follow the instructions!


Building Bridges in the Blue Ridge
Call for Art/Writing from All Ages

What: Write, paint, draw, or collage on 5 x 7 POSTCARDS to celebrate connections we make (or would like to make) with people who may seem different from ourselves.

Why: To explore all the ways people in the Blue Ridge connect with others or could connect across time, place, race, gender, age, political orientation, sexual orientation, religion, culture, and ability.

When: Submissions due December 15. Mail finished postcards to

Stover Insurance
214 East Jackson Street, Front Royal, VA 22630.

Postcard Workshop: We will hold a free workshop led by professional artists and writers to help participants create their postcards. Date and Time TBD. Please email for more information.

Final Product and Event: Postcards will be incorporated into a wooden slat bridge and displayed at a celebration event. The event will include readings from select postcards, music, poetry, and refreshments. Postcards and the bridge may also be displayed in other locations in Front Royal and the larger area.

Who: The Bridge Project is sponsored by United ShenValley Artists (USVA), an outreach of Selah Theatre Project that brings artists and arts organizations together to advocate for the arts in our homes and communities.

Sample Ideas for Postcard Art/Writing:
1) A collage of various people and places you connect to in a meaningful way.
2) The story of how you, your family, or your ancestors came to America from another country.
3) A poem about your connection to a person who is differently abled.
4) An essay about working with someone from another political party or religion.
5) A drawing about the connections you would like to make.
6) A painting about friendships with people of different races and cultures.
7) A mini-essay about a time someone reached out to you across differences.

Rules: Postcards must be family friendly and can be anonymous. Please include your name and email on the participant form, if you wish to be contacted about the presentation event.

The Bridge Project Submission Form
Please submit this form with your postcard if you wish to be recognized as a participant and invited to the celebration event where we will unveil the bridge.
Topic of Your Postcard:

Photo by Felix Broennimann – Pixabay