Our Winds of Change Press Logo Contest starts today!
Anyone may enter this open contest! The lucky winner will receive FREE
- one copy of the first book we publish
- one-year subscription to Four Winds Journal
- one-year listing in our Regional Resource Directory
- honorable mention on OHI’s website
The logo should reflect the power of wind to effect change, to clear out old, outdated ways of being, to introduce hope and belief in a positive future, and whatever else you think may fit this description. Logo submissions should be your own original work of art in banner format. Please do not submit someone else’s work. Please send a high resolution jpeg photo of your work, including your name, contact information and mailing address, and a brief bio with recent head shot (high resolution jpeg photo) via email attachment to:
Art Editor
Let us know if you have any questions!
Winds of Change Press
The Voice of Orenda Healing International
Valentine McKay-Riddell, PhD