Call for Submissions: Go Fly A Kite!

Regardless of one’s political stance or religious beliefs, these are challenging times.  We may find we’re having trouble concentrating, being snarky at work, or snapping at loved ones or friends who don’t get how we feel.  Or perhaps we’re depressed—some days, who even wants to get out of bed?  We may feel physically ill, vulnerable, fearful of various diseases or impending death, negative thoughts racing around in our minds all night like hamsters stuck in a habit trail.  And the daily barrage of news (most of it dismal), Facebook updates, and the ongoing Twitter storm makes it worse.  Even the popular late night shows only bring gallows humor to reviews of an unbearable situation.

In order to combat this downward spiral, Winds of Change Press invites poets, writers, and artists to send us a short, uplifting prose piece, poem, or photo.  These will be published in an anthology in progress: Go Fly A Kite!  Creating the Life We Want in the World We’ve Got.

The theme, “Go Fly A Kite,” (think Mary Poppins) is not meant to be irreverent, dismissive of real pain, or a denial of our current challenges.  But if indeed we do create our reality (since we tend to experience more of what we’re constantly thinking about) let’s create one we can enjoy.  Children know how to do this.  They simply imagine a story they like and live it.  We adults need to remember how to be children, how to play.  We need to rewrite our own stories, to move out of the world we think we’re stuck in and into the world we’d rather inhabit. Our own creativity will help us do this.

Winds of Change Press is accepting prose (up to 2 pages single-spaced, fiction or nonfiction), poetry (2 poems per poet), and inspiring photos (jpg 300 dpi).  Please send your submission via email attachment, along with a brief bio (1-2 paragraphs) and recent head shot of yourself to us here.  Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns:

Editors, Winds of Change Press

Go Fly A Kite
