FWJ Spring 2022: Authors, Artists, & Editors Contact Information


Linda Carfagno (Linda’s Lion – Cover photo) 

Xavier Martinez (Cosmic Woman)  –  6thsuncreations1@gmail.com

Linda Hunsacker (Huerfanita)

Lewis Riddell (Family, Stand with Ukraine, Angry Angels)

Judy Schavrien (Grandmother Hope, Selfie as Judy Garland, No Mas)

Susan Taylor (Karen – Santa Fe Women’s March January 21)

Ukrainian Women Artists

Unknown Artists

6 Street Artists



 Linda Carfagno (Glimpse of a Possible Future)

Charles Eisenstein (The Spirituality of_______)

Rafael Jesús González (Cantos para la Creación)

Alan Levin (Communing with the Realms of Life on Earth)

Robert F. Morgan (Nuevo Tree #3, Ronin’s Choice)

VMcKay (What’s Driving Putin?, FWJ Staff Interview:  Stories of Love and Courage)

José Stevens (The Only Viable Path Ahead – Release and Reinvent)


Valentine McKay-Riddell 

Maggie Mae Beyeler

Kathe Haskell   – katheprints@yahoo.com

Terry McKay – terry@maryterencemckay.com