OHI Research Pre-Proposal

April 2015029

Research Pre-Proposal

Please fill in the following information and email as an attachment to orenda@orenda-arts.org, Attention IRB:

Title Page


Research Question

Rationale for Pursuing Research

What will this research do to further the knowledge on alternative healing methods?

Why is this research important?

What is the purpose of this research?


How does your experience and research history qualify you to pursue the proposed research?

Literature Review (2-3 page overview)


Describe the research design for this project.

Participants – requirements and recruitment

Research setting

Possible difficulties and limitations of proposed method

Data Collection and Analysis

Please describe your procedure for data gathering.

How will the data be collected?

What assessment tools/methods will you be using?

What assessment criteria will be applied to the data?

What will be your data assessment/analysis procedures?

What research instruments if any will you be using? (Please attach as addenda to this proposal.)

List of References