
FWJ Winter 2022 Submission Deadline Extended!


FWJ Winter 2022:  Rematriation

Today the world around us is filled with anger, hatred, distrust, violence, and fear—emotions specific to our culture’s patriarchal focus on power and greed, emotions antithetical to the energy of mothering.  Yet we still retain the memory, no matter how dim, of motherly love on some level.

Where does this come from? How do we know?  Is there a spark of the Divine Feminine—the Great Mother—alive in each of us?  What if we applied this inner knowing to our world and the human and non-human beings with whom we share it?  What might then be possible?

We will explore this question in the Winter 2022 issue of Four Winds Journal through a process we call Rematriation, reconnecting ourselves and each other with the energy of the Mother in all realms of existence.   We look forward to sharing this journey with you.

Submissions deadline is extended through January 31, 2022

Invitation to submit!


ACLU NM Border Report


Happy New Year from the ACLU of New Mexico!

We’re kicking off 2022 by taking a look at how U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) – the largest, and by some accounts, one of the least scrutinized law enforcement agencies in the country – operates in our state.

CBP is part of the Department of Homeland Security, alongside but independent from U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE). Among their duties, CBP’s 60,000 agents run the ports of entry (i.e. border crossings like the ones at Antelope Wells and Columbus here in New Mexico), as well as detaining migrants entering the country between ports of entry.

CBP also helps run some of Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden’s most controversial programs, including the misleadingly-named Migrant Protection Protocols, sometimes called Remain in Mexico, as well as Title 42.

In New Mexico, CBP agents are most visible operating interior checkpoints on highways up to 100 miles north of the border, as well as doing roaming searches in our communities.

Those two efforts are the focus of our newsletter:

· New Mexico’s legalized marijuana equity goals could be threatened by CBP’s internal checkpoints. That’s because legal cannabis producers in Southern New Mexico would have to pass a CBP checkpoint if they wanted to sell in the northern part of the state, risking detentions and seizures. One large New Mexico cannabis company, after dealing with traumatizing CBP seizures, decided to set up their newest facility just north of the checkpoints, keeping those jobs out of cities like Las Cruces. Read more on our website.

· Thirty-six people have died since 2020 after dangerous high-speed Border Patrol pursuits. The deadly trend was highlighted by The New York Times last weekend, with reporting based on a fact sheet created by the ACLU of New Mexico in collaboration with the ACLU of Texas. The NYT report also highlights shadowy CBP Critical Incident Teams, who come in after crashes and other fatal incidents to collect evidence and testimony, potentially violating the law and endangering any chance for a fair and independent investigation. Read our fact sheet on our website.

· CBP officers looking for immigrants without documentation are able to search vehicles and question people without a warrant within 100-miles of the border. Know your rights in the 100 mile border zone with a guide we created for you on our website.

· Border Patrol agents can also stop and question vehicles driving through interior checkpoints spread across southern New Mexico. We created a video so that you can know your rights when passing through a checkpoint. Watch now on our website.

Keep following us in this newsletter and on our social media accounts to see all our immigration reporting and advocacy work.


Leonardo Castañeda
Pronouns: He, him, his
Investigative Reporter, ACLU of New Mexico

P.S. I want to hear from you – what are you curious about, what should I look into, and what do you want me to know?

Email me at  and tell me.



What Is “Other?”

The Old Pecos Trail Standoff


I’ve watched the ethnic drama unfolding on Old Pecos Trail for over a month now.  It’s been rather like watching kids on a seesaw.

First a property owner who supports pro-Palestinian commentary, Guthrie Miller, allowed the Navajo artist Remy to erect a mural depicting Israeli troops threatening Palestinian women and children on the wall surrounding his property.  Then some neighbors objected and started ripping down Remy’s powerful images.  I was accosted myself when I arrived to take photos shortly after the images appeared. The young mother who stopped me wanted to know whether I was responsible for the images.  When I told her no but I appreciated the message, she informed me that “this sort of thing should be displayed downtown or somewhere else—not in a neighborhood where it can upset children and young families.”  Hoping to arouse her sympathy, I noted that her own children were about the same age as those depicted and said so—but that comment fell flat as a burnt pancake, so I let it go, continued shooting the photos, and the “young family” departed in a cloud of righteous indignation.  Next the City of Santa Fe ordered Remy’s art removed from Miller’s “historic” property.  All but one of the images had been torn down by then—there wasn’t much left to remove.  Then a few days later, a banner (made out of a sheet and painted in the colors of the Palestinian flag) appeared:


After that, there was about a week of silence while Miller apparently initiated an appeal to reverse the City’s decision.  And today, as we drove past the controversial site, the entire mural was back up, thanks to the efforts of Miller, Remy, Jewish Voice for Peace, Friends of Sabeel, and Red Nation from Albuquerque.

I have no idea who’s going to win this battle, but I do applaud it, on four points.

First, highlighting the plight of Palestinian women and children in the face of Israeli oppression does not constitute anti-Semitism.  I was raised Catholic.  That doesn’t make me someone who hates Jews, though I do happen to be someone who deplores and resists oppression of any minority in any form.

Second, if the Navajo artist Remy sees a correlation between the oppression of the Palestinians and that of his own people, he has every right to express his views.  Anglos have suppressed Native beliefs, religion, and practices for centuries—six centuries to be exact, ever since 1492.  High time someone spoke up about it.

Third, what happened to free speech?  Just as Remy is entitled to express his views, so too is Guthrie Miller, on whose property the mural appears.  Should the opinion of his neighbors (several of whom, I dare say, have pressured the City’s historical preservation society to address their complaints) outweigh his right to speak out in his own way?  After all, he didn’t urge Remy to put the mural on his neighbors’ walls—only on his own.

Fourth, and finally—citizens of the City Different (my home for the past 30 years) now have an opportunity to engage in an honest and open conversation about differences—who is “different” from whom, and why?  For decades Anglos, Indians, and Hispanics have danced around the issue of who got here first and who gets to make the rules.  Thanks to our Mayor Alan Webber, the Entrada standoff was eventually and peacefully resolved—perhaps not to the liking of all parties, but as Abe Lincoln is said to have stated:  “You can please all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time.  But you can’t please all of the people all of the time.“

Humans are tribal by nature.  Tribes have many faces:  there are tribes based on skin color, on religious practices, on cultural background, on wealth (or the lack thereof), on politics, ethnicity, professions, etc..  As a mixed blood person, I belong to several tribes myself:  I’m Irish, Scots, French, and Native American.  I’m a former Catholic, a “born-again” Pagan, and a shamanic practitioner.  I’m an artist, author, publisher, psychologist, healer, wife, mother, grandmother, and so on.  Which group, should I choose to do so, would I affiliate with?  Who would be “my people?”

Wake up, Santa Fe.  We’ve become much more than we were 30 or 50 or 300 years ago.  We are truly a melting pot now, with more people coming as the world around us changes.  It’s past time to acknowledge our responsibilities as global citizens—not as Jews, Palestinians, Natives, Anglos, Blacks, Christians, or anything else.  The world’s children, no matter where they are, are as much our responsibility as that of their parents. When one is hurt, we are all hurt.  It’s time to listen to each other, not just with our ears but with our hearts—to truly hear each other, to acknowledge the cultural pain and begin to heal the generational wounds we have all sustained.



FWJ Early Bird Sale!

This issue—third in our series on Sustainability—is one you won’t want to miss!

Photo: Mirror Shield Project. Concept Artist: Cannupa Hanska Luger. Drone Still Image Credit: Rory Wakemup. Oceti Sakowin Camp, Standing Rock, ND 2016

Four Winds Journal (FWJ) Spring/Summer 2019, Voices for the Earth, features provocative articles, poetry, and art work exploring sustainability through the eyes of First Nations people, women, animals, and other sensitive souls.  The writers and artists whose work you will see here have each chosen a voice, and all speak for the Earth in powerful ways.

Four Winds Journal always looks great online, but it’s even more amazing in print—a perfect gift for friends and family members!

Pre-order your printed copy of FWJ’s Spring/Summer 2019 issue at a 15% discount now!  Sale runs from April 15 – May 31

Four Winds Journal Issues


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Winds of Change Press Logo Contest!

Our Winds of Change Press Logo Contest starts today!

Anyone may enter this open contest!  The lucky winner will receive FREE

The logo should reflect the power of wind to effect change, to clear out old, outdated ways of being, to introduce hope and belief in a positive future, and whatever else you think may fit this description. Logo submissions should be your own original work of art in banner format.  Please do not submit someone else’s work.  Please send a high resolution jpeg photo of your work, including your name, contact information and mailing address, and a brief bio with recent head shot (high resolution jpeg photo) via email attachment to:

Art Editor

 Let us know if you have any questions!
Winds of Change Press  
The Voice of Orenda Healing International
Valentine McKay-Riddell, PhD

Four Winds Journal Fall 2018 now in print!

If you’ve enjoyed reading our Four Winds Journal online over the past few years, you’ll love it in print!  This semiannual  literary magazine is often provocative, always insightful, and a pleasure to read–  a great addition to your collection and a perfect holiday gift for family and friends.

We launched the Journal in Fall 2016* (theme: Winds of Change) and decided this past Spring to begin printing it as well.  Our printer is Jason Russell Poole– photographer, videographer, and owner of Image Ratio Productions here in Santa Fe.

Click here to order a copy of the current issue (theme: The Sociopolitical Challenge) and/or the previous issue (theme: Seven Generations and Counting).  Please indicate which issue(s) and how many copies you want, and be sure to fill in your mailing address.  Prices may vary depending upon the size of a specific issue.  Standard shipping rates apply.

*Back issues of the digital Journal are available in Archives.

Four Winds Journal Fall 2018 – The Sociopolitical Challenge

Four Winds Journal’s Spring 2018 issue introduced a few of the many facets of sustainability.  We touched briefly on human/animal relationships, our relationship with Nature, our relationships with each other.  However, sustainability is necessary—and possible to achieve—in every aspect of our lives, and it is currently missing, both here in America and around the world.

Four Winds Journal’s Fall 2018 issue investigates the real challenges that we face in resolving our society’s systemic dysfunction and how we might begin to benefit from thinking “out of the box” in order to arrive at a truly sustainable society here in this country and throughout the world.

Follow this link for your copy of Four Winds Journal Fall 2018:  The Sociopolitical Challenge